OCULA Spring Conference 2024:
What Is Actionable Allyship in Academic Libraries?
Allyship, as described by the AntiOppression Network, is “active, consistent, and arduous practice of unlearning and reevaluating in which a person of privilege seeks to operate in solidarity with a marginalized group.” What does authentic allyship look like in library work? What does allyship look like in transformative practice, in collections, in student-facing services, as a colleague? Join us on Wednesday May 8th for a day dedicated to furthering your allyship journey, and walk away with tools and commitments to make change in your workplace.
Date: Wednesday May 8
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm EST
Format: Virtual Conference
Event Highlights:
- Big Ideas: The day’s opening keynote is Rania El Mugammar, a Sudanese artist, liberation educator, anti-oppression consultant, multidisciplinary performer, and speaker. Her talk, “Doing the Work: Radical Solidarity for a Collective Future” will make us rethink everything we’ve ever known about the meaning of allyship. Later in the day we will be joined by Indigenous scholar Andrea Menard and non-Indigenous ally Marc Bhalla for a critical examination of ‘allyship,’ with a particular focus on the reconciliation process.
- Allyship in Action: Throughout the day library staff from across sectors will share the ways they are putting allyship into action – whether through graphic novel collections or 3D printing, integrating equitable hiring practices or retooling resource description, there is something for everyone.
- Concrete Tools: We’ll close out the day with a session delivered by OLA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion consultant Lisa MacVicar. Lisa will guide us through the process of Personalized Allyship, and participants will be given a roadmap for developing and maintaining their personal Actionable Allyship plan.
View the full program schedule here.
- OLA Member: $125.00
- Non-Member: $225.00
- Non-Member PLUS (Registration + One year membership): $200.00
- Provincial Affiliate (non-Ontario members): $125.00
- Students/Retired/Underemployed: $50.00
- Staff at First Nations Public Libraries: Free
Code of Conduct:
OLA is dedicated to respectful discourse and ensuring a positive experience for all participants in the conference. Please familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct policy and related procedures.