OSLA Council
Nominations for council positions take place in late September each year, and the election of council members occurs in November. Newly-elected council members assume their office on January 1st. The term of office spans the calendar year, from January to December. Following the expiration of their term of office, executive members of council still have duties to perform at the Annual General Meeting of the OSLA, which takes place in February during the Super Conference.

Wendy Burch Jones
2025 President
Toronto District School Board

Richard Reid
2025 Vice President
Durham District School Board

Johanna Gibson Lawler
Past President 2023
Greater Essex District School Board

Councillor – Mid-Central Region 2023 – 2025
Durham District School Board

Sue Matthews
Councillor – Eastern Region 2023 – 2025
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Jennifer Aston
Councillor – Southwestern Region 2025
Thames Valley District School Board

Lisa Lewis
Councillor – Toronto Region 2023
Toronto District School Board

Jessica Feick
Northern Region – 2021-2023
Near North District School Board
Teaching Librarian Editorial Team

Danny Neville
Teaching Librarian Editor-in-Chief
Ottawa-Carlton District School Board

Kasey Whalley
Past Teaching Librarian Editor-in-Chief
Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board
Super Conference Planners
OSLA Council members take on responsibilities for major issues or tasks through portfolios, or participate as representatives on OLA committees. OSLA also forms other committees of members, as needed.
Responsibilities are outlined on the portfolio descriptions.
Updated: June 2013
Unless otherwise noted, the President of the OSLA appoints councillors to these portfolios annually.
Eligibility: Member of the OSLA Executive (i.e. President, Vice President or Past President)
- be the contact person and representative of the OSLA at meetings of various Ontario subject councils and the Ministry of Education, as required;
- represent the views and interests of the OSLA for new initiatives; provide advice on changes and additions to policies, regulations and curriculum documents as opportunities arise;
- seek advice from OSLA Council and/or OLSA Executive prior to subject council meetings as needed and report back to Council following any subject council meetings.
The holder of this portfolio is also the OSLA Nominations and Elections Officer.
Eligibility: Any OSLA member
- develop guidelines for election platforms and biography statements submitted by nominees for posting to the elections page on the OSLA website;
contact any OSLA Council nominees to request election statement and platform information for posting on the Web; - communicate with the OLA Director and the OLSA webmaster to ensure that the candidates’ information submitted for posting meets the guidelines;
contact candidates following elections to inform them of the results; - prepare a post-election statement for the web site/listserv to communicate election results;
assist the OLA Director and OLSA President with other election-related duties as required.
The holder of this portfolio shall be a non-voting member of Council.
- establish an editorial board;
- help produce three issues of the magazine per school year with the help of the editorial board;
- seek out written contributions, set deadlines, collect articles, and produce a finished product with the assistance of a designated OLA liaison;
- keep informed and up-to-date on initiatives and issues concerning the OSLA and school librarianship in Ontario;
- review and update the handbook detailing this portfolio’s duties.
Eligibility: The Teaching Librarian editor-in-chief also assumes this portfolio because of the synergies involved.
- select and submit one article per issue related to school library matters;
- edit a section of the magazine and report back to the Access editor-in-chief and/or managing editor.
The holder of this portfolio shall be a non-voting member of Council.
- be supported by an additional Council member, as needed;
- establish a Web committee, as needed;
- keep informed and up-to-date on initiatives and issues concerning the OSLA and school librarianship in Ontario;
- coordinate the TogetherForLearning.ca / EnsemblePourApprendre.ca Web presence;
- promote and facilitate the creation of virtual Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) among OSLA members; ensure that they are a valuable component of members’ Personal Learning Networks;
- duties may include managing the OSLA Listserv and/or OSLA Communications;
- advise and consult with an OLA designate about listserv messages to be distributed, as necessary;
- review and update the handbook detailing this portfolio’s duties.
e.g. OSLA Council’s Google Apps and Twitter accounts
- facilitate collaboration and communication among Council members;
- maintain the oslacouncil.org website and user accounts;
- provide Council members training on how to use Google Docs and Google Sites;
- maintain and provide content for the OSLA Twitter account, oslacouncil;
- review and update the handbook detailing this portfolio’s duties.
- establish an Awards Committee composed of OSLA members as required;
- review the awards to be offered and determine if any changes are required;
- promote the awards and solicit nominations with the assistance of the OLA Office;
- review nominations, select the recipients, contact the nominators and recipients, and manage the award presentation logistics;
- inform the OLA Program Coordinator as to who will be the recipients;
- liaise with the OLA Office, which manages certain aspects of the awards process;
- review and update the handbook detailing this portfolio’s duties.
Federations include OTF, CUPE, OSSTF, OECTA and ETFO.
- liaise with local and provincial executives to advocate the interests of the members of OSLA;
- review and provide input on contract language for collective bargaining;
- solicit federation support for OSLA activities.
Eligibility: OSLA members
- plan the program for Super Conference;
communicate session ideas to the Education Institute;
report to Council; - identify candidates and select planning coordinators for the following year’s Super Conference, based on Council feedback;
- review and update the handbook detailing this portfolio’s duties.
At least 2 people, so that both elementary and secondary panels are represented.
- coordinate province-wide information and communications around reading programs and their promotion, collection development resources, and
- reading engagement ideas for OSLA members.
organize events/activities related to school library month.