OLA Copyright Committee


The OLA Copyright Committee will:

  1. Actively serve the membership of OLA by investigating and reporting on the most appropriate tools that will serve to assist and educate the membership in fulfilling their role(s) as practitioners, intermediaries and/or advisors to their user communities on copyright issues and concerns;
  2. Act as a resource to the OLA Executive on copyright issues and report to the OLA Board;
  3. Act in an advisory capacity for the OLA representative on the CFLA-FCAB Copyright Working Group;
  4. Act in support of CFLA-FCAB initiatives to lobby appropriately on library interests in Copyright.

Members of the Copyright Committee

Chair: Joy Muller (Seneca Libraries, Seneca Polytechnic, and OLA representative to the CFLA-FCAB Copyright Committee)

Staff Liaison: Gina Freitag (Ontario Library Association)

Committee Members:

  • Meaghan Shannon (Queen’s University)
  • Lauren Bull (Upper Grand District School Board)
  • Heather Martin (University of Guelph Library)
  • Amanda Freeman (Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board)
  • Cyndi Smith (Georgian College)

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