OLA Indigenous Advisory Council


In 2015, OLA established the Indigenous Advisory Council, formerly the OLA Indigenous Task Group. The purpose of the Council is to:

  • Develop an OLA strategy to strengthen First Nation Libraries in Ontario. This includes raising awareness about the opportunities and challenges of accessing library services for First Nation people.
  • Ensure communities are aware of funding opportunities and other supports to establish libraries on reserve.

The Council works collaboratively and strategically with other organizations across Ontario and Canada to encourage and strengthen libraries that provide library services to Indigenous populations.

Current Committee Membership

Cora Coady, York University (Chair)

Feather Maracle, Six Nations Public Library 

Kathleen Copegog, Beausoleil First Nation Public Library

Carol Tyler, Nookomis, Guelph Public Library

Angel Maracle, Chiefs of Ontario

Andrew Wiebe, University of Toronto

M. McNaughton

Miranda Bobiwash, Mississauga First Nation Library

Niki Naponse, Manotsaywin Nanatoojig Inc.

Irene Gray, Garden River First Nation


Ex-Officio members

Michelle Arbuckle, Ontario Library Association
Lily Kwok, Ontario Library Association

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