Special Libraries Committee

The Ontario Library Association’s Special Libraries Committee (OLA-SLC) is a group of special librarians and information professionals operating outside traditional library workspaces. These libraries operate as part of an organization, specializing in resources of interest to the organization of which it is a part, and usually serving the staff or members of this organization.

The committee advocates for awareness of special libraries and their unique challenges, and provides opportunities for partnerships and knowledge sharing by coordinating professional development events, special library and research tours, and community socials.

Chair: Natasha Kwiatkowski, ArcelorMittal Global R&D Hamilton

Staff Liaison: Gina Freitag, Ontario Library Association

Committee Members:

  • Astrid Lange, Toronto Star
  • Christina Ransom, Access Copyright
  • Rebecca Efrat, CBC
  • Maggie Tiong, The Institute for Work & Health
  • Corrina Taccone, Ministry of Education
  • Alex Turcotte, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
  • Brittany Haley, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
  • Jordana Winegust, The Brattle Group
  • Sarah McCabe, Ontario Historical Society

Read the Committee’s Terms of Reference or contact Gina Freitag (gfreitag@accessola.com) for more information.



OLA’s Super Conference is an annual multi-day education event involving all associations and divisions of the Ontario Library Association, sponsored by the OLA Board of Directors.

The Special Libraries Committee encourages special librarians and information professionals from non-traditional workspaces to submit to the call for proposals to help advocate and educate about special libraries. 

Submission details for the upcoming Super Conference are found here.

The OLA Special Libraries Committee has created a Community of Practice (CoP) intended to bring together special librarians and non-traditional information professionals in an informal virtual setting. OLA members are encouraged to join, but participants need not be members.

Join us to learn about upcoming events and published articles of interest, seek out collaborations, and share knowledge, project updates, and challenges/learnings within this professional community. 

Click here to participate!