2011 Annual Institute on Library as Place

2011: Planning Boot Camp

Libraries 2020 Initiative hosted by the Ontario Library Association.

Thank you to the delegates, panelists and facilitators for joining us at Planning Boot Camp. We had a wonderful day of discussion and exploration and can’t wait to invite you all to next year’s event. 

Selecting the Architect / Space Planner
Learning Materials – Panel Video

Refreshing Your Library  

Case Studies:  

The library as part of a multi-purpose facility: of interest to delegates whose library has or will be part of a community centre, a shopping mall, or other situations where the library is just one of many services offered in a larger facility.

Retro-fitting your library space: of interest to delegates who are developing new plans for an existing space or refurbishing an older facility (for example modernizing, greening, accessibility).

The new library building project: of interest to delegates who are embarking on a brand new stand-alone building, or a significant addition to an older building.

The Learning Commons: Of interest to those exploring the learning commons approach. This is a space that combines types of activities, for example: computer use, quiet study, and social space. The concept is most widely used by academic and school facility projects.

*Libraries 2020 – The Symposium: Libraries 2020, held in September 2009 and funded from the fifteen million dollar contribution from the Ministry of Culture, focused on the future of public libraries. Administered by the Ontario Library Service North and overseen by a Steering Committee of representatives of OLS North, the Southern Ontario Library Service, the Federation of Ontario Public LibrariesKnowledge Ontario, and the Ontario Library Association.