Volunteer Opportunities
OLA’s events and services are supported by dozens of volunteers in Ontario. Member involvement is vital to the success of the association. OLA volunteers have the unique opportunity to engage with other members from around the province while impacting trends, issues and services available for library professionals. Volunteering with OLA is an investment in your career, which provides you with unique learning and leadership opportunities.
Volunteer opportunities can include being a member of an OLA committee, board or council; assisting with planning an OLA event, supporting library advocacy issues, assisting with OLA Publications, or helping with OLA events on-site. The possibilities are endless and ever-changing.
Volunteer with an OLA Committee
Volunteer with the Forest of Reading
Volunteer on the OLA Board or an OLA Council

OLA Statement on Staff and Volunteer Participation
OLA strives to ensure that its staff, committees, and councils are diverse and inclusive in
order to best serve the Ontario library community. There is immense value in bringing
together various perspectives and ideas.
OLA seeks out participation from members with different library experience; members
from all regions of Ontario; Indigenous Peoples; and members with diverse backgrounds
including but not limited to age, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity,
and ability. If you have any questions about getting involved, please contact the OLA
staff liaison for the committee/council.