OPLA Spring Awards and OLA Building Awards
Call For Nominations Now Open
Do you have a co-worker, colleague, supervisor or anyone in your library staff that goes above and beyond and deserves recognition?
OLA offers numerous awards – browse the various awards below and nominate a colleague or peer today.
Have questions about OLA’s award program? Please reach out to awards@accessola.com
To submit an award nomination please find the award details below.
Nominations due November 30 for most awards
OPLA Spring Awards – Now Accepting Nominations
OPLA Children’s or Youth Services Librarian or the Year Award
OPLA Leadership in Adult Readers’ Advisory
OPLA Advocacy in Action: Excellence in Children’s or Teen Services Award
OLA Building Awards – Now Accepting Submissions
New Library Building Projects
OLA Awards
The OLA Board of Directors bestows an honourary life membership on a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the libraries of Ontario through his or her work within the Association. The work done must be seen as significant by members from more than one type of library. This award is presented on an irregular basis. A plaque is presented to commemorate the occasion.
For questions or more information, contact awards@accessola.com
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The President’s Award for Exceptional Achievement acknowledges an outstanding action or contribution that has in a major or unique way enhanced or furthered librarianship in Ontario. The selection is at the full discretion of the President of the OLA. Awards are only given if there is something of true historic significance to recognize.
The Ontario Library Association Board of Directors established the Award for Intellectual Freedom in 1997 to recognize the courage shown by individuals and organizations in defending the rights of library patrons to full access to information. In 2000, the Award was renamed the Les Fowlie Intellectual Freedom Award in memory of the former Chief Librarian of Toronto Public Library whose efforts on behalf of intellectual freedom in Canada are legendary.
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The OLA Media and Communications Award was established to reward individuals and companies that present libraries and librarians in a constructive light, breaking down stereotypical images often associated with the profession.
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The Ontario Library Association recognizes Ontario-based individuals and institutions that have made significant achievements on a personal or institutional level in the field of preservation and/or conservation for library and/or archival materials.
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The Ontario Library Association recognizes the Ontario librarian, teacher-librarian, technician, library worker or department who has made a substantial achievement to their institution and/or the library profession in the area of technical services.
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To recognize excellence in library building projects in Ontario. Two categories:
New Library Building Award – Now Accepting Submission until April 30
This award is for new buildings. The following years will have a call for this award category: 2019, 2022, 2025, 2028.
Learn more about the submission process for the New Library Building Award
Library Architectural and Design Transformation Award
This award is given for additions, renovations, restorations, conversion to library use, and interior redesign and refurnishing. The following years will have a call for this award category: 2018, 2021, 2024, 2027.
Learn more about the submission process for Library Architectural and Design Transformation Award
Past Recipients
View 2024 Library Architectural Design and Transformation Award Recipients
View 2022 New Library Building Award Recipients
View 2021 Library Architectural and Design Transformation Award Recipients
View 2019 New Library Building Award Recipients
View 2018 Library Architectural and Design Transformation Award Recipients
This award has been developed to recognize unique partnerships with the Ontario Library Association. This partnership must demonstrate significant contributions and commitment to the association, its programs and services through this venture. This individual, corporation, group or association has provided connections, support and exposure outside the regular OLA audience adding great value to the OLA.
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The Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship was previously offered by the Canadian Library Association (CLA). OLA began to administer the award after CLA’s dissolution in 2016 . This award is presented to a candidate that has demonstrated exceptional success in enhancing the public recognition and appreciation of librarianship.
Accepting nominations until November 15
View more information on eligibility and nomination procedures and past recipients
ABO-Franco Awards
Le Prix Micheline-Persaud est un prix destiné à honorer une personne, un groupe ou une institution qui s’est distingué dans le développement et la promotion des services de bibliothèque en français en Ontario. Le Prix est nommé en souvenir de notre regrettée collègue et amie, Micheline Persaud. Micheline s’est distinguée pendant de longues années en demeurant particulièrement active et impliquée dans le monde des bibliothèques jusqu’à son décès.
View more information on eligibility and nomination procedures
Le prix Peuplier
Le prix Mélèze
(formerly Le prix Tamarac Express)
Le prix Tamarac
OCULA Awards
The OCULA Award for Special Achievement honours exceptional achievement(s) in at least one of the following areas:
- Service to OLA/OCULA and any other library organization, or
- Research and publication in areas of academic librarianship, or
- Planning and implementing a library program which serves as a model to others.
For questions or more information, contact awards@accessola.com
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To recognize an individual working in libraries in Ontario who has made an outstanding contribution to academic or research library development.
The OCULA Lifetime Achievement Award honours exceptional achievements in one or more of the following areas:
- Service to library committees, associations or organizations, and
- Scholarly activities in areas of academic librarianship (e.g. conference presentations, research, publications, editing a book, blogging, etc.) and
- Planning and implementing a library program which serves as a model to others.
In addition, this award honours an individual who has served as a role model or mentor in academic libraries.
View information on eligibility and nomination procedures
OHLIA Awards
Recipients of the OHLIA Lifetime Achievement Award have played an ongoing, active and significant role as a health librarian and/or with the OHLA/OHLIA, and are at or near the close of their active career.
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Recipients of the OHLIA Award of Outstanding achievement have made a significant contribution to health librarianship in Ontario, of lasting importance.
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OLBA Awards
The W.J. Robertson Medallion is presented by the Ontario Library Boards’ Association to a public librarian who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the advancement of public library service in Ontario.
William John Robertson was a founding member of the Ontario Library Association. The thirty three “originals” that established the first constitution at the first Annual meeting of the Association in April, 1901, were a very distinguished and active group and W.J. Robertson was among the most prominent.
Robertson became the fourth President of the Association in 1905 – the first trustee to be elected into the position. Robertson was twice chair of the St. Catharines Free Library Board.
This provincial award recognizes and honours significant contributions to the library profession. The President of the Ontario Library Boards Association presents the medallion at the annual Public Library Awards dinner held in conjunction with the Ontario Library Association’s annual Super Conference.
Note: The James Bain Medallion is presented by the Ontario Public Library Association and awarded to a library board member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in governing a public library in Ontario.
For questions or more information, contact awards@accessola.com
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This award is given to a Public Library Board [or two Public Library Boards that participated in a collaborative effort] that has demonstrated a high level of collaboration and innovation to produce outstanding results.
A high-performance Public Library Board can be defined as a group of people with specific roles and complementary talents and skills, aligned with and committed to a common purpose, and who consistently show high levels of collaboration and innovation to produce superior results.
A high performance Public Library Board is regarded as tight knit, focused on their goal, and have supportive processes that will enable any board member to surmount any barriers in achieving the board’s goals. Within the team, individual board members are highly skilled and are able to interchange their roles. Also, leadership within the team is not vested in a single individual; instead the leadership role is taken up by various team members, according to the need at that moment in time.
For questions or more information, contact awards@accessola.com
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OLITA Awards
The Technology Advancing Libraries Award recognizes a project that demonstrates leadership in the application of technology to benefit library users, enhance library operations, and extend partnerships. The award is presented annually at the OLITA AGM during the OLA Super Conference.
For questions or more information, contact awards@accessola.com
View more information on eligibility and nomination procedures
OPLA Awards
The James Bain Medallion is awarded to a library board member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in governing a public library in Ontario. This annual province wide award recognizes and honours the best contributions and efforts of board members who govern public libraries. James Bain was the first President of the Ontario Library Association in 1901 and Chief Librarian of the Toronto Public Library.
Note: The W.J Robertston Medallion (Public Librarian of the Year) is presented by the Ontario Library Boards’ Association to a public librarian who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the advancement of public library service in Ontario.
For questions or more information, contact awards@accessola.com
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The Ontario Public Library Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a library staff member who has given life long service to the profession and has contributed significantly to the growth and innovation of public libraries in Ontario. The President of the Ontario Public Library Association presents the award at the annual Public Library Awards Gala held at the Ontario Library Association’s annual Super Conference.
For questions or more information, contact awards@accessola.com
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The Children’s or Youth Services Librarian of the Year Award (formerly called Children’s Librarian of the Year award, and prior to that the Children’s Services Merit Award) is given to honour a children’s librarian who has made a positive impact on children’s or youth services librarianship.
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OPLA’s Award for Leadership in Adult Readers’ Advisory is an initiative of the Readers’ Services Sub-Committee of OPLA. The purpose of this award is to honour excellence in readers’ advisory service to adults.
View information on eligibility and nomination procedures
View Rubric for OPLA Leadership in Adult Readers’ Advisory Award
This award is to honour excellent library staff working with children or youth. The award can be given to an individual or group. It can be a service-based project, a unique program, a community partnership, an outreach endeavour or an advocacy effort that you feel should be recognized and celebrated.
View more information on eligibility and nomination procedures
The Ontario Library Association recognizes the Ontario librarian, teacher-librarian, technician, library worker or department who has made a substantial achievement to their institution and/or the library profession in the area of technical services. This award is about recognizing those who help with the efficiencies and improved access to materials. Awards like this foster innovation, create an environment to share ideas and support high morale among technical service workers.
View more information on eligibility and nomination procedures
OSLA Awards
This Award is given to honour a teacher-librarian who has demonstrated leadership in the implementation of school library programs through Collaboration and Inquiry – based learning. Projects, programs and activities cited should exemplify the vision of Together for Learning in their School Library/Learning Commons.
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This award is given to honour a School Library Professional (School Library Technician) who has demonstrated leadership in the facilitation and management of a school library collection.
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View past recipients
To honour a school administrator who has brought his or her influence to bear on the development of effective school library information centres and of school library program both in a school board and among his or her peers.
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To honour individuals or organizations outside individual schools or school boards which have provided significant support to teacher-librarians and school library information centre development in Ontario through exceptional projects and activities.
View more information on eligibility and nomination procedures.
The Ontario Library Association recognizes the Ontario librarian, teacher-librarian, technician, library worker or department who has made a substantial achievement to their institution and/or the library profession in the area of technical services. This award is about recognizing those who help with the efficiencies and improved access to materials. Awards like this foster innovation, create an environment to share ideas and support high morale among technical service workers.
View more information on eligibility and nomination procedures.