Annual General Meetings

The Ontario Library Association is a registered corporation and, by law, must hold an Annual General Meeting.

The 124th OLA Annual General Meeting will be held virtually, hosted through Zoom

Call for Resolutions
Resolutions are the means for the OLA Board or an OLA member to propose action for the membership to consider.
Refer to OLA’s Policy on Resolutions.
OLA By-Law 1 stipulates notice to members of resolutions as follows;

  • Notice of any by-law amendments: 30 days
  • Notice of other resolutions: 7 days.

The OLA resolutions committee requires time to meet with the mover and seconder if necessary and thus requires resolutions from members to be submitted by the following deadlines:

  • Amendments to OLA By-Laws: closed January 15.
  • Other resolutions: closed Monday February 5.

Please contact Michelle Arbuckle, OLA Executive Director, with any questions.

Archive of OLA Annual General Meetings

The Ontario Library Association is a registered corporation and, by law, must hold an Annual General Meeting.

The 121st OLA Annual General Meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 3 p.m. EST

Proxy Voting

The Ontario Library Association is a registered corporation and, by law, must hold an Annual General Meeting.

The 120th Annual General Meeting will be held virtually February 22, 2021, 3:00 pm

Proxy Voting

The 119th Annual General Meeting will be held on January 30, 2020 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Room 105 | Time: 1pm -2pm.

Virtual participation register here: You do not need to register if you are attending in person. CLOSED
Proxy Holder register register here : Proxy voting will be available for those not attending in person or remotely. CLOSED