Updated Advocacy Priorities (July 2024)

Following up on the 2024 Ontario Budget and the provincial government’s enhanced funding to support the operations and staffing of First Nations Public Libraries, OLA & FOPL have created a new advocacy priorities document to guide our government relations work. 

Priorities Overview

Public Libraries

  • Provide critical e-learning support and fair access to modern, digital resources for all Ontario public libraries through the creation of an Ontario Digital Public Library, leveraging the province’s significant purchasing power to give all Ontarians access to a universal set of high-quality e-learning & online resources through their local public library.
  • Increase provincial operating funding for Ontario’s public libraries to address critical shared priorities and community needs.
  • Building upon the enhanced funding committed in the 2024 Ontario Budget, develop a sustainable funding model for public libraries on reserve to ensure that these important local hubs are fully funded and viable.

School Libraries

  • Mandate that school boards must spend funding allocated by the Ministry of Education for school libraries, staffing and resources on for student success. 

Read OLA and FOPL’s Advocacy Priorities (July 2024)

OLA Pre-Budget Submissions

2024 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission

Working alongside our partners at the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries (FOPL), OLA is continuing advocacy for Ontario’s libraries. Our 2024 Budget Recommendations are: 

Public Libraries

  • Provide critical e-learning support and fair access to modern, digital resources for all Ontario public libraries through the creation of an Ontario Digital Public Library, leveraging the province’s significant purchasing power to give all Ontarians access to a universal set of high-quality e-learning & online resources through their local public library.
  • Working alongside First Nations Public Library leaders, implement a sustainable funding model for public libraries on reserve to ensure that these important local hubs are fully-funded and viable. As an immediate first step, enhance the existing direct provincial funding support for public libraries on reserve (the First Nations Salary Supplement) to sustainably fund library operations and ensure a living income for frontline library staff in these communities.
  • Increase provincial operating funding for Ontario’s public libraries to address critical shared priorities and community needs.

School Libraries

  • Mandate that school boards must spend funding allocated by the Ministry of Education for school libraries, staffing and resources on this critical component for student success. They should also be made to fully complete the corresponding accountability and planning measures now required under the Grants for Student Needs.

About the Budget Process

Bookmark this page for information on new budget announcements. Current OLA members will receive updates on budget announcements in their inbox.

Understanding Ontario’s provincial budget: Ontario’s provincial budget is is typically released annually in April. The government’s financial cycle ends March 31 and restarts on April 1. For more information and to see the current provincial budget, visit the Ontario government website.

Understanding Canada’s federal budget: Federal budgets have a lesser impact on Ontario’s libraries, and are presented annually in February or March. For more information, visit the Canadian government website.