Friday, May 26 at 6:00pm ET
Chinese Canadian Archive TPL Tour

In honour of Asian Heritage Month, please join the Ontario Library Association Special Libraries Committee for a tour of the Toronto Public Library’s Chinese Canadian Archive!
Launched in 2016, this community-built archive is focused on the Chinese Canadian community in the Greater Toronto Area. It includes family photos, books, diaries, government documents and other items. In 2018 the archive won the Heritage Toronto Award for Public History. Its items are held in the Marilyn & Charles Baillie Special Collections Centre on the 5th floor of Toronto Reference Library.
Date: Friday, May 26th, 2023
Time: Tour begins at 6:00 pm
Location: Marilyn & Charles Baillie Special Collections Centre, 5th floor, Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto ON
RSVP: This free event has a limit of 12 people due to the size of the room – spots are available on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis.