Thursday, December 2, 12:00-1:00pm ET

How to Demonstrate the Impact of Technology Services Offered in Public Libraries

Date & Time:

Thursday, December 2 at 12-1 p.m. ET


Public libraries need to know the impact of their technology services to assess their capacity and skill to collect, analyze and communicate data and to demonstrate the vital role in advancing digital equity in their communities. In this webinar, learn the challenges facing public libraries in activating data within their libraries, steps to make data-informed strategic decisions and how to harness the benefits of the Bridge Technology Assessment Toolkit and the Edge Assessment Platform.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Deepen your understanding of the relevance of the Bridge and the Edge, freely available to Ontario libraries.
  • Define data fluency and identify areas for opportunity and growth with data in your library, including the ability to make evidence-based decisions that inform resource allocation and/or demonstrate the need for more investment
  • Identify barriers to activating available, timely and relevant data in your library for data-informed decision making.
About the Presenter:

Betsey Suchanic
As a Senior Program Manager, Betsey supports ULC’s strategic initiatives including the “Strengthening Libraries as Entrepreneurial Hubs” project and digital equity work through the Edge Library Program. Betsey has a professional background that includes work in small business development, graphic design, higher education strategic planning and urban planning at the local government level. She holds an MPA from the University of Delaware’s Biden School of Public Policy and Administration and a B.A. from Mary Baldwin University.

Sepideh Mckensy

As Project Leader of the Bridge Project, Sepideh oversees and coordinates the seamless application of the Bridge Toolkit, a customizable web-based application for libraries to capture and analyze performance and outcome data on technology services, in Toronto Public Library and in libraries across Ontario. She is passionate about using data to tell a meaningful story that demonstrates public libraries’ vital role in bridging the digital divide and advancing digital equity in their communities. Sepideh holds a Masters in Information Studies (Library Science) from the University of Toronto and a Hons. B.A. in Psychology from York University.

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