Laurel McLeod

Copyright Questions

Copyright Questions Please note that this program is currently on hold as of March 2020. Copyright Questions – an OLA member service OLA has a partnership with Community Legal Services (CLS) at Western University where law students, under the supervision of a lawyer, provide legal opinions on intellectual property (IP) matters (trademark, copyright, patent, personal …

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Canada’s Copyright Act

Canada’s Copyright Act View Canada’s copyright act Marrakesh Treaty Canada signs the Marrakesh Treaty (2016) The Copyright Modernization Act (Bill C-32) Since 2008, a number of bills were put forth to modernize Canada’s Copyright Act. In 2012, the new Act came into force. OLA was involved in consultations during this process and created resources for …

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E-Resource and E-books

Fair e-Book Pricing OLA has joined the Canadian Public Libraries for Fair Ebook Pricing coalition to raise awareness of the high prices that multinational publishers charge public libraries for ebooks. Demand for ebooks continues to grow rapidly – in fact, digital content is the fastest growing area of borrowing for public libraries. Multinational publishers impose …

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Internet, Connectivity and Broadband

Internet, Connectivity and Broadband Connectivity and broadband challenges are consistently presented to libraries, especially those in rural, northern and Indigenous areas. These areas do not have the needed infrastructure to support high-speed Internet access at the speed of at least 50 MB / second. Libraries play a role as the greatest equalizer of services, regardless …

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First Nation Public Library Issues

First Nations Public Libraries in Ontario   First Nations communities require public libraries just as much as any other community. Public libraries often serve as an accessible gathering place and information sharing resource for many First Nations communities, where they exist. There is broad recognition and support for the concept of continuing education at the …

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Public Library Research

Public Library Research OLA Research OREC’s 2023 Remote Work Mini-Survey Report (2024) Full report Resilient Public Libraries: OPLA Research and Evaluation Committee (OREC)’s Survey of Public Libraries (2022) Conducted in the summer of 2022, this benchmarking survey examined the impact of the pandemic on Ontario libraries and the resiliency of public libraries to future disruptions. …

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Public Library Issues

Public Library Issues Public libraries are consistently ranked within the top three services a community values most. Yet, their value and complexity of relevant services are not always understood. Included in this section are backgrounders, briefs, and resources to support awareness and development of public library services and issues. OLA’s Recommendations for Public Library Funding …

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About Library Funding

Governance and Funding of Libraries School Libraries Municipal: School Trustees (elected) Provincial: Ministry of Education The Ontario Ministry of Education administers the system of publicly funded elementary and secondary school education.School boards receive money in two ways. First, some of the property taxes collected in your community go to your local school board. Second, the …

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My School Library Rocks Campaign

My School Library Rocks Campaign Ontario School Library Association knows that your library is an important place in your school. We want to know just how amazing it is! Is it the books?Is it the learning that happens there?Is it your teacher-librarian?Are there cool things that only happen in your library? The Why My School …

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