Treasure Mountain Canada (TMC) is a research symposium and think tank dedicated to fostering academic and practitioner action research into school library learning commons practice The first four TMC symposia were organized by an independent committee. In 2016 TMC became a project of the newly-formed national organization, Canadian School Libraries (CSL). CSL is dedicated to supporting and sharing research and professional knowledge about the library learning commons for and with school library practitioners, scholars and researchers.

TMC Symposiums are held on alternate years in conjunction with major library conferences, in order to establish and maintain a national profile and to attract participants already attending the core conference events. Each symposium has focused on a particular problem in research and practice.

Treasure Mountain Canada serves as in incubator for much-needed research into school library practice and have  e generated close to one hundred action research and academic papers.

Previous Symposiums:

TMC1 2010 Edmonton, Alberta Transforming School Libraries to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Learners
TMC2 2012 Ottawa, Ontario Learning for the Future
TMC3 2014 Victoria, British Columbia Leading Learning for the Future
TMC4 2016 Toronto, Ontario Growing impact of Leading Learning
TMC5 2017 Winnipeg: Culturally Relevant and Responsive School Library Learning Commons
TMC6 2020 Toronto, Participatory Learning in the Library Learning Commons