Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Consultant for the Ontario Library Association (OLA)
The Ontario Library Association (OLA) invites equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) consultants or consulting groups to submit proposals for the development of an anti-racism strategy for the association that will result in policies, frameworks, education and resources to guide the organization in its anti-racism goals.
OLA hopes to work with a consultant to achieve the following:
- Develop a greater understanding of our members and the current state of our sector through research and assessment.
- Increase OLA Board, staff and members understanding and competency of antiracism/EDI through training.
- Gain insight into the efficacy of OLA’s current EDI initiatives and practices through assessment.
- Develop a short (2023-2024) and longer term (2024-2028) plan that is concrete, actionable, and incorporates evaluation.
Download the RFP document
Issue date: June 5th, 2023
Return date of response: June 30th, 2023
Delivery of proposals: Electronic proposals (single PDF) must be sent by email to: lkwok@accessola.com
Questions or requests for additional information may be directed to Lily Kwok, OLA Advocacy and Research Officer, at lkwok@accessola.com or 1.877.340.1730