OLBA's Annual General Meetings

Saturday February 1, 2025 at 9:00am EST (In Person at Bootcamp)
- OLBA AGM Agenda 2024
- Minutes (from 2023 AGM)
- OLBA Financial Report
- President’s Report
Saturday January 27, 2024 8:45 – 9:15 AM Eastern Standard Time
In Person Meeting, part of the OLBA Library Trustee Boot Camp programming at the OLA Super Conference.
February 4, 2023 at 9:00-9:45 AM Eastern Standard Time
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Meeting ID: 871 5672 1246
Toll Free: 877 853 5247
- Agenda
- Minutes (2022 AGM, Fiscal year 2021)
- OLBA Financial Report
- President’s Report
- OLBA Work Plan 2022 – 2025
- OLBA Work Plan 2022 Achievements
February 5, 2022 at 9:00-9:45 AM Eastern Standard Time
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Meeting ID: 876 0227 1162
US Toll Free: 877 853 5247
February 6, 2021 at 9:00-9:30 AM Eastern Standard Time
Meeting ID: 950 0216 1467
Find your local number: https://accessola.zoom.us/u/ayjn220na
Includes: Message from Jane Hilton (President), 2011 Annual Meeting Agenda, Minutes of the Feb. 26, 2010 AGM.
Includes: Message from Margaret Wicklum (President), 2010 Annual Meeting Agenda, and Minutes of the Jan. 30, 2009 AGM.
Includes: Message from Lynn Humfress-Trute (President), 2009 Annual Meeting Agenda, and Minutes of the 2008 AGM.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Welcome – Catherine Dowd, 2007 OLBA President
3.0 Establish Quorum
4.0 Approve Agenda
5.0 Approve 2007 OLBA AGM Minutes
6.0 Business Arising from the 2007 AGM Minutes
7.0 2007 President’s Report – Catherine Dowd
8.0 Treasurer’s Report – Margaret Wicklum
9.0 OLBA Councillors’ Reports
10.0 New Business Elect/Approve new OLBA Councillors
11.0 Elect/Approve new OLBA Councillors
12.0 2008 President’s Report – Lynn Humfress-Trute
13.0 Adjournment
Item 5.0 – Minutes
1.0 Call to order at 5:25 p.m.
2.0 President Doreen Horbach welcomed those present, recognizing that there were 23 people in attendance.
3.0 It was established that there was a quorum for the voting that would be taking place.
4.0 Moved by Joyce Cunningham, seconded by Andrew Porteous, that the agenda be approved as circulated. Carried.
5.0 Moved by Sue Culp, seconded by Margaret MacLean, that the minutes of the 2006 Annual General Meeting be approved as circulated. Carried.
6.0 President Doreen Horbach gave her report, thanking former members of OLBA Council for the perspectives they brought from their positions as representatives of the North and of municipal councils. She extended a welcome to the newest members of Council, Lyn Humfress-Trute, replacing Paul Elgie, and Maureen McKeating, our new Vice President. Doreen particularly thanked Sue Culp for all she had accomplished in her three years on Council. Doreen referred to OLBA’s new program, Leadership by Design, which will be introduced at a day-long seminar tomorrow. It is our hope that this will facilitate the development of strong library boards committed to growing their communities. Doreen asked that those present sign up on the wall posters asking for commitments to contribute to OLBA. The posters will be available tomorrow as well. She stressed that for members to get the most out of an organization, they must become participating members, and not just observers. She concluded by pledging to continue working as Past-President to help library trustees become the best they can be.
7.0 The Treasurer gave her report, indicating that we appear to have ended our fiscal year well within our budget. The budget for 2007 has been presented to OLA, but has not yet been approved. The $2000 item for our share of the FOPL booth at AMO this year may be approved subject to OLA’s profit from SuperConference 2007. Likewise, our request for $20,000 to fund year 2 of Leadership by Design will be moved to OLA’s special projects account, and will depend on OLA’s income from the conference. Indications are that both these items will be approved.
Moved by Joyce Cunningham, seconded by Lynne McKittrick, that the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Carried.
8.0 Catherine Dowd reported on our involvement in the conference, particularly the need for a second trustee to work with Andrew Porteous of Fort Erie Public Library on the organization of the workshops of interest to trustees. On behalf of all present, she thanked the OLBA conference co-planners Andrew Porteus and, from the Kingston Public Library Board, Claudette Richardson.
9.0 We bid farewell to Councillors Selma Bochnek representing Central Region East, Sue Culp, Past President, Paul Elgie, representing Southwestern Region, and Jan Perfect, representing Northeastern Region, and welcome Shelagh Harris, representing Mid-Central Region, Lyn Humphress-Trute, representing Southwestern Region, and one of Frances Ryan or Marilyn Stewart, who are contesting the Northeastern Region position. Joyce Cunningham, representing Northwestern Region, and Margaret Wicklum, representing Eastern Region, were returned by acclamation, and our new Vice-President is Maureen McKeating, from the Hamilton Public Library Board.
10.0 Incoming President Cathy Dowd spoke to the meeting, thanking all those who had worked with her last year, especially outgoing Past President Sue Culp. She affirmed her belief that to get the most from any organization of which you are a member, you need to give back to that organization. She encouraged all present to find ways to contribute to the work of OLBA.
11.0 Moved by Margaret MacLean, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Item 7.0 – Report from the President – Catherine Dowd
Leadership By Design (LBD) Program
The LBD program is meant to engage all Ontario public library boards as full participants in strengthening their leadership potential. We sought to build a program that was responsive to common issues and priorities that affect public library governance and service. The program is designed to source and organize existing best practices, information materials, educational programs and planning forums, as tools and opportunities that are integral to the leadership development program.
Module #1: “Cut to the Chase”
- Published and distributed to every OLBA member. As a courtesy, one copy was also sent to every Ontario public library board.
Module #2: “ One Place to Look”
- Content compiled, formatted and programmed for online access with planned launch at Super Conference.
Module #3: “Leadership Development Planning Tool”
- Tool piloted by several library boards. Tool revised based on feedback received. Revised tool will be unveiled and available for comment at Super Conference. Planned distribution in Spring 2008.
Module #4: “Effective Board Governance Program”
- These teleconference programs were made available through the Education Institute. Ken Haycock offered the following programs:
- The Board Chair and the CEO: Shared Leadership for Board Development – March
- Effective Governance and the High Performance Board – May
- Community Development and the Role of the Board – May
- Financial Literacy (Part 1): Budget Planning – October
- Financial Literacy (Part 2): Analysis of Financial Documents – November
- Financial Literacy (Part 3): The Budget as an Advocacy Tool – January 2008
- Attendance by Ontario libraries has been disappointingly low. We encourage trustees to send us suggestions for other topics and for how we may more effectively promote these sessions to our members. To date, we have used the listserv, the website, InsideOLBA, and SOLS TC listservs. We have also asked the OPLA President to convey information about these sessions to their CEOs via the OPLA listserv so that they can let their boards know.
Modules #5: “Learning from Our Peers” & #6: “Networking with Our Peers”
- Submitted research project proposal for Ontario Trillium Foundation ‘province-wide’ grant ($31K)
Many thanks to our consultants Margaret Andrewes and Randee Loucks who have worked so hard to develop this program for OLBA. Thanks are also extended to Larry Moore for the assistance and support he gave Randee and Margaret.
We produced 2 issues of our newsletter which was sent to every member. These issues will be posted to our website as well. We continue to look for contributions from our members. If you are interested in submitting information, a trustee profile, or an article, please contact our 2008 editor Marilyn Stewart at mstewart@ontera.net.
We submitted an article that wasn’t used due to lack of space. We will re-submit it this Spring.
Super Conference 2008
- Esrick Quintyn and Andrew Porteus have developed a full slate of OLBA-sponsored session – 18 programs. Many thanks to Andrew and Esrick for their hard work Thanks also to the speakers and to the convenors. Esrick and his 2009 conference co-planner, Jan Harder, will be starting work almost immediately planning for next year’s conference. Please make sure that you send them your ideas for sessions you would like to attend (or for which you would like to be a speaker).
- OLBA Council arranged a 2-for-1 deal for the price of conference registration. To encourage first-time attendance, one of the registrants had to be coming to the conference for the first time.
- In recognition of the special challenges trustees in the north face when contemplating conference attendance (prohibitive travel costs), OLBA held a contest offering a subsidy of up to $1250 for members from the Northwest and $750 for members from the Northeast. Boards had to submit a request to be entered into a random draw. A board could only win once. Congratulations to the following boards who won the subsidy for one of their trustees:
- Northwest Region – Dryden, Nipigon, Schreiber, Thunder Bay
- Northeast Region – Powassan & District Union, St. Charles, Timmins, Whitestone-Hagerman
We used several mechanisms for communicating with our members. Early in 2007, a handwritten letter welcoming trustees to the new four year term was sent out along with the Cut to the Chase document. We used our listserv often to inform members of upcoming EI sessions of interest; we used it to solicit nominations for Council and for awards for trustee and librarian of the year. We used the OLBA website for the same purpose. 2004 OLBA President Ian Hunter has revamped our website to make it easier to use. Ian also served on the OLA website committee. The committee established presentation standards so that there is more consistency from one division site to another, e.g., between OLBA and OCULA. We greatly appreciate Ian’s efforts. Ian is looking for a website co-editor. Please get in touch with him if you are interested atjudyian@sympatico.ca.
We continue to struggle to reach all our members. It is imperative that you or your CEO sends OLBA a complete list of its board members, with names, addresses and emails. To use the listserv, you must personally subscribe to it – we cannot subscribe you. We look forward to you using the listserv to communicate with your fellow members. Share with them your library’s success stories. Ask questions. Comment on what you have learned from EI sessions you have attended.
Southern Ontario Library Service
Council members attended SOLS Trustee Council meetings in Spring and Autumn 2007 in order to share with trustees from Library boards across southern Ontario the work that OLBA has been engaged in and to participate as a fellow member of those TC areas. Special accolades to Margaret Wicklum who attended two TC meetings in one day! In October President Catherine Dowd met with senior staff and SOLS Board member to discuss ways in which we can support each other and promote each other’s services.
Ontario Library Service -North
President Catherine Dowd communicated with the CEO of OLS-N about ways for each organization to support each other. OLBA has accepted OLS-N’s invitation to put on a session at their conference in May.
Federation of Ontario Public Libraries (FOPL)
OLBA Council took out associate membership in FOPL. President Catherine Dowd participated in telephone discussion groups regarding the direction of FOPL.
OLBA Council Elections
The challenge for the year has been in finding trustees willing to serve on Council. Despite advertising for nominations to fill vacancies on Council, we received no nominations. Consequently, we held no elections. We are once again calling for nominations for Vice-President/President Elect, Councillor, Southwest Region and Councillor, Central Region West Region. You may access the nomination form at or email the OLBA President at Catherine.dowd@ontario.ca. If necessary, we will also put out a call for nominations at our AGM. Terms are three years. Council meets four times per year. All costs associated with being on Council are reimbursed. These are exciting times for Council as we continue to develop our Leadership By Design program.
Item 9.1 – Report from the Vice-President – Lynn Humfress-Trute
In 2007, I had to undertake a huge learning curve in order to fill a vacancy on the OLBA council created by the resignation of Paul Elgie. I always thought that Paul might leave behind very big shoes to fill; shortly after my appointment to Council in November of 2006, I soon began to realize just how big they were!
I was elected to the position of Vice-President in March of 2007, and in retrospect, I should have read the fine print that states the Vice-President is the President elect! I felt like I had jumped into the deep end without my floaties. However, my fellow councillors proved to be my life-savers. Their patience, understanding and guidance have brought me to this AGM wherein I will assume the role of President.
The Executive Director of OLA, Larry Moore, has been a stalwart source of guidance and information. I will sorely miss his gentle humour, good nature and quiet competence, and I wish Larry a happy, healthy and fulfilling retirement. I am looking forward to forming a new relationship with Larry’s replacement Shelagh Paterson, about whom I have heard many positive things.
My areas of responsibility in 2007 were:
- Promotion of Dr. Ken Haycock’s trustee education sessions using the SOLS Trustee Council;
- Membership in the selection committee for the recipient of the James Bain Medallion Award;
- OLBA Representative on SOLS Trustee Council Number 1; and
- Collaboration with OLBA council to fulfil the timelines of goals and objectives as written in their Strategic Plan.
In 2007, issues in communication with current membership, sourcing new members and filling positions on OLBA council have been challenging. As the OLBA council heads into 2008, I hope we may address these issues, and since my background is in rural county, public library systems, it is my desire to bring the challenges inherent to trustees of these library boards to the OLBA table.
As I take up the leadership of OLBA in 2008, it will be with some trepidation; however I am comforted by the knowledge that Cathy Dowd will continue to serve as Past President, affording sound guidance, continuity and corporate knowledge.
Being a trustee on a library board is oft-time daunting. However, it is the role of OLBA to support trustees through the provision of tools and resources designed to educate and inform them of their governance role and responsibilities. We are here to serve you in your endeavours, so please do not hesitate to contact us.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lynn Humfress-Trute
Thursday, February 1, 2007
5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Welcome – Doreen Horbach, OLBA President
3.0 Establish Quorum
4.0 Approve Agenda
5.0 Approve 2006 OLBA AGM Minutes
6.0 Business Arising from the 2006 AGM Minutes
7.0 2006 President’s Report
8.0 Treasurer’s Report
9.0 OLBA Councillors’ Reports
10.0 New Business
11.0 Elect/Approve new OLBA Councillors
12.0 2007 President’s Report
13.0 Adjournment
Item 5.0 – Approve 2006 OLBA AGM Minutes
1.0 Call to order at 5:30 p.m.
2.0 President Suzanne Culp welcomed those present, recognizing that there were 30 people in attendance.
3.0 It was established that there was a quorum for the voting that would be taking place.
4.0 Moved by Paul Elgie, seconded by Margaret MacLean, that the agenda be approved as circulated. Carried.
5.0 Moved by Selma Bochnek, seconded by Sheila Clarke, that the minutes of the 2005 Annual General Meeting be approved as circulated. Carried.
6.1 Suzanne Culp explained that the motion regarding the provincial household grants which had been passed at the 2006 Annual General Meeting had been discussed at length by OLBA Council. Initially a lack of clarity regarding the role of OLBA vis à vis the newly created Federation of Public Libraries held up the implementation of the action required by the motion.
It was decided that a more useful approach would be to have FOPL to address the issue at the provincial level. However, Suzanne raised our concerns at every opportunity, including at a meeting with the Minister of Culture, Madeleine Meilleur, in May 2005, and at a leaders’ dialogue meeting in September. FOPL has now agreed to re-examine library funding in 2006. It has been pointed out that per-household grants may not be the best vehicle for the future, as Northern Ontario, which is losing population, would lose funding in this case. We need to try to ensure that no one loses funding from the present levels. Therefore, although OLBA did not do what the motion stated, Suzanne and the rest of council felt that they had addressed the intent of the motion, and that more action will be forthcoming through FOPL. Bob Ernest reminded us that Waterloo City Council has passed a resolution regarding an increase in household grants—the wording of this resolution was sent to all libraries and municipal councils.
7.0 Suzanne Culp’s President’s Report is printed in the Annual Report (appended). She began her remarks by thanking OLBA Past President Ian Hunter for his continued assistance during the year, and for volunteering to continue to work on communications, including the website and the listserv. Suzanne also thanked Margaret MacLean for her many years of service to OLBA representing Northwestern Ontario, including years as Vice-President, President, and Past President, and Okeima Lawrence, representing the Toronto Public Library. Also thanked were Cathy Dowd, and Claudette Richardson for their excellent planning for the ‘trustee’ workshops offered at this year’s SuperConference.
8.0 Treasurer Margaret Wicklum gave her report, commenting that it is a difficult time of the year to report on OLBA finances, as the OLA 2005 audited report, which includes OLBA’s report, has not yet been circulated, nor has OLA accepted OLBA’s draft budget for 2006. However, it appears that we remained within our 2005 budget of $24,150. It also appears that the budget for 2006 will be approximately $24,900. Both the audited report for 2005 and the approved 2006 budget will be posted on the OLBA website as soon as they are available.
Moved by Bob Ernest, seconded by Joyce Cunningham that the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Carried.
9.0 All the OLBA regional councillors’ reports are printed in the OLBA Annual Report.
Claudette Richardson asked for an assistant to help her with the organization of the trustee workshops for SuperConference 2007, reminding us that this person would be taking over
in 2008.
10.1 Suzanne commented that there had been a great deal of soul searching regarding the continued existence of OLBA, given that FOPL is now actually here. However, since FOPL does not have a mandate for the education of library trustees, it was decided that that would be OLBA’s future, and this developed into our draft strategic plan, which was circulated to those in attendance. It is also posted on the OLBA website. It is recognized that the wording of Priority #4 may be changed, to reflect the differences in the mandates of OLBA and FOPL. Comments were invited from those present and any other members of OLBA, within the next week.
10.2 Regarding the current 3-year board development cycle, there will be a spring 2006 teleconference on the topic of Board Evaluation and Trustee Recruitment. The main focus of the strategic plan as it relates to trustee leadership will be the development of a modular program that relates directly to prevailing board development issues and priorities for province-wide implementation on a 3-year cycle, beginning in January 2007 to coincide with the terms of newly appointed members of library boards across the province.
11.0 Suzanne congratulated new councilors Selma Bochnek (acclaimed) of the Belleville Public Library, Karen Stintz, representing Toronto Public Library, and Joyce Cunningham of the Fort Frances Public Library, representing Northwest Region. Moved by Paul Elgie, seconded by Margaret Wicklum, that the elections of the three councillors be confirmed. Carried.
12.0 At this point, Suzanne handed the meeting over to our new President, Doreen Horbach.
Doreen commented on her exciting year as Vice-President and President Elect, including mention of various activities that had taken place, her assistance to President Sue Culp in the development of the new strategic plan, and her anticipation of improved communication among OLBA members in the coming year. Doreen thanked all those who had assisted in her learning, and expressed confidence that progress would continue at a rapid pace in 2006.
At 6.15 p.m. the Honourable Madeleine Meilleur, Minister of Culture for the provinceof Ontario joined the meeting. She began her remarks by thanking all the volunteers in libraries for their efforts. She commented that she likes touring libraries, and recognizes their very important role as cultural centres in their communities. As a former 12-year municipal councillor in Ottawa, she is very aware that municipal councilors are very proud of their libraries, particularly in smaller centres where the library may be the only cultural centre. She thanked libraries for helping government to achieve one of its goals, that of promotion of literacy in youth, and indicated her awareness that a proposal by OLBA to her ministry addresses these issues, and focuses particularly on helping trustees be better prepared to advocate for their libraries. To this end, she is pleased to announce a grant of $20,000 to OLBA to help promote governance and leadership capabilities in library boards across Ontario. The Ontario library system is a great source of pride to her, and she will do her best to protect the current operating grants.
Minister Meilleur offered her congratulations and thanks to each board and each community.
‘Je sais que vous avez vos defis, et je respecte tous les bénévoles et le travail que vous faites.’
The Minister’s remarks were greeted with enthusiasm, as this grant will allow OLBA to implement that part of the new strategic plan which deals with development of training programs for trustees.
13.0 Moved by Ian Hunter, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Item 7.0 – President’s Report
Doreen Horbach, Hamilton Public Library Board, 2006 President.
Accomplishments from the 2006 OLBA strategic plan include:
- developed action plans to meet the objectives of the 2006-2009 Strategic Plan
- developed a comprehensive trustee development program and planned for its rollout in early 2007
- OLBA represented public library boards on the Municipal Cultural Planning Partnership Advisory Council
- developed a number of trustee-interest workshops for Super Conference
- participated in the provincial library awards selection committee
- explored communication mechanisms and developed communication plan
- attended Southern Ontario Library Service’s Trustee Council meetings to promote OLBA and its activities
- presented the W.J. Robertson Medallion for librarian of the year to Paul Takala
- developed two issues of InsideOLBA
Item 9.1 – Report from the Vice President – Catherine Dowd
My areas of responsibility on OLBA in 2006 Council include:
- Chairing the Organizational Development Review Committee. This committee’s mandate is to promote the development of an organizational structure that will capitalize on the membership of OLBA and make the best use of the competencies of its members. Committee members included Shelagh Harris, Sue Culp and Jan Perfect. In April we developed terms of reference and in November we brought to Council several recommendations that we hope to implement in 2007.
- Working with President Doreen Horbach and Councillors Selma Bochnek and Shelagh Harris to d evelop an internal and external communication plan. We explored the strengths and weaknesses of various efforts and mechanisms by which OLBA Council can communicate to our members, and how our members may communicate with each other. No one mechanism will work for all members. We will continue to strive to improve communications.
- Super Conference 2006. With the successful conclusion of Super Conference 2006 I completed my two-year stint as a conference planner. In 2006 plans began immediately on the 2007 conference. My role in this was to act as a liaison between OLBA Council and the two current coordinators for OLBA sessions, Andrew Porteus of the Fort Erie public library board and Claudette Richardson of the Kingston public library board. Thank you Andrew and Claudette for your efforts.
- Education Institute. I served as the liaison between OLBA and Liz Kerr, Education Director, Ontario Library Association. Liz, Randee Loucks, Margaret Andrewes and I discussed sessions that might be useful and of interest for Library Trustees and CEOs.
In 2006 I attended the Spring Trustee Council Four meeting to introduce our new Mid-Central Region Councillor Shelagh Harris. I also attended the Autumn Trustee Council Four meeting.
Catherine Dowd
Includes: Message from Suzanne Culp (President), 2006 Annual Meeting Agenda, Minutes of the 2005 AGM, 2005 OLBA Councillors’ Reports
Includes: Message from Ian Hunter (President), 2005 Annual Meeting Agenda, Minutes of the 2004 AGM, and 2004 OLBA Councillors’ Reports
Annual General Meeting
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Saturday, 31 January 2004
8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
8:05 a.m. Call to order.
- President Bob Allen welcomed those present, noting that even at the early hour there were approximately 30 people in attendance.
- It was established that there was a quorum for the voting that would be taking place.
- Moved by Margaret MacLean, seconded by Meyer Brownstone, that the agenda be approved as circulated. Carried.
- Moved by Peter Rogers, seconded by Margaret MacLean, that the minutes of the 2003 Annual General Meeting be approved as circulated. Carried.
- There was no business arising from the minutes.
- Bob Allen gave his President’s Report. Highlights of the year included OLBA sponsorship of Ken Haycock’s series of teleconferences (“Redefining the Library Board for Dynamic Communities”), Joyce Smith and Shelagh Harris’ organization of Super Conference 2004, with approximately 4600 attendees, and the fact that while membership in the Ontario Library Association has increased by 25% in the last year, 15% of this is from OLBA. Bob thanked all the members of OLBA, particularly Peter Rogers, Joyce and Shelagh, for their work on behalf of trustees across Ontario. One of his suggestions for next year is the examination, in partnership with the Ontario government, of the process for delivery of the per household grants for libraries.
- Leanne Sedgwick gave the Treasurer’s Report. Although the audit has not been completed (our audit is part of the OLA audit) for 2003, OLBA is within budget. A copy of the audited statement will be made available when completed.
- New Business. Members of OLBA Council for 2004 are as follows: President Ian Hunter; Vice President Suzanne Culp; Past President Bob Allen; Treasurer and Councillor for Central Region East Leanne Sedgwick; Secretary and Councillor for Eastern Region Margaret Wicklum; Councillor for Northwestern Region Margaret MacLean; Councillor for Northeastern Region Jan Perfect; Councillor for Southwestern Region Joan Harrison; Councillor for Mid Central Region Jim MacDonald (subject to appointment to the Board of Orillia Public Library Board); and Councillor for Central Region West Bob Ernest.
- There was a discussion regarding the inadequacy of the voting method for the Vice-President’s position. Some members of OLBA received their ballots late, others not at all. In view of this, all ballots returned were counted, even though some missed the deadline. Electronic voting will be considered for next year.
- At this point the incoming President took the chair, welcoming those present and encouraging them to consider being on OLBA Council in the coming years. He thanked the outgoing Council members and welcomws the new and returning members of the OLBA Council. He pledged that the OLBA would continue the focus on trustee training.
- Past President Peter Rogers informed the meeting that under the new Municipal Act there are new municipal performance measures, including assessment of library services, that have to be submitted to the provincial government. OLBA had input at these meetings, and were told that there would not be any requirement for generation of new statistics, as libraries already submit their statistics annually. OLBA is also monitoring the meetings of the Canadian Federation of Public Libraries taskforce. Ian and Bob Allen will remain on the Strategic Directions council.
- Moved by Eleanor Jourard, seconded by Sheila Clarke, that OLBA consider changing the time of the AGM. It was felt that an afternoon session, rather than a Saturday morning session, would entice more members to attend. One member said that a new time would not make any difference, since some members are simply not interested in going to an AGM. The motion was carried.
- Moved by Margaret MacLean, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.
Ontario Library Boards’ Association Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
February 1, 2003
Call to Order: President Peter Rogers called the meeting to order at 8 a.m.
Quorum: The president announced that a quorum of members was present. There were 33 attendees.
Agenda: Moved by Maureen Rudzik and seconded by Bill Boyes that the agenda be approved. Carried.
Minutes: Moved by Nick Avery and seconded by Mike Hick that the January 31, 2002 OLTA AGM minutes be approved. Carried.
Business Arising: None
Councillor Reports:
- Peter provided a brief summary of the main activities during 2002.
- He described the April 20, 2002 Ken Haycock videoconference that took place in 8 sites across Ontario. The theme of the conference was how library boards should be the community development business. Videotape copies of the session have been distributed to many libraries in Ontario.
- In November 2002, a Leadership Forum was held in Toronto with chairs and vice-chairs invited from Ontario libraries. It was an excellent weekend featuring talks from Ken Haycock and breakout working sessions.
- Peter introduced the OLTA Council for 2002: Bob Allen, Marlene Davidson, Rod McLean, Joyce Smith, Ian Hunter, Mike Hick, and Margaret MacLean, “the Woman of the North.” Absent was Bob Ernest.
- Peter talked about the booth that the OLTA and the OPLA shared at the August 2002 AMO (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) conference. This was successful advocacy for libraries to municipal councillors and administrators.
- Moved by Bob Allen and seconded by Maureen Rudzik that the Councillors’ Reports be accepted.
New Business:
- Maureen Rudzik asked how many trustees were members of the OLTA. Peter will find out and report the numbers for 2002 and for 2003.
- Bill Boyes asked about some of the financial statement numbers. Ian Hunter said that this should be covered by the Financial Report by the Treasurer.
- Peter Rogers said that memberships pay for 22% of the costs of the OLTA. The rest of the funding comes from Conference revenues and grants.
- Motion to change the name of the Ontario Library Trustees Association to the Ontario Library Boards Association.
- Moved by: Bob Allen Seconded by Margaret MacLean
- Maureen Rudzik said that the new name had different ring to it, and it would send a message to the province. They are interested in dealing with boards, not trustees.
- Audrey Lawrence said the new name was a good idea, saying it gave a sense of the collective.
- Other comments were positive. The motion passed.
Other Discussion:
Gavin McDougall from North Bay Public Library asked the OLBA to petition the province to allow libraries to be eligible for Trillium Funding. Peter Rogers said he met the minister on October 24, and the minister was not aware that libraries couldn’t apply for this funding. The minister said he would support a change to include libraries.
Elections to the OLBA Council:
- Leanne Sedgwick (Beaverton) was elected Treasurer.
- Meyer Brownstone was acclaimed as Toronto representative.
- Margaret Wicklam was acclaimed as Eastern Ontario representative for one year to complete the term of Ian Hunter who was acclaimed Vice-President.
- Bob Allen moves from Vice-President (2002) to President (2003).
Highlights of the President’s Address:
As your new president I want to assure you that the new direction that our 2002 president Peter Rogers embarked on, and has been so successful will continue. Community development by library boards in Ontario will be a large part of our focus during the coming year.
This new direction that we have taken has aligned library boards with the initiatives being taken by the Strategic Directions Council (SDC) to fulfil the future after the Building Value Together report and to ensure that the library boards and trustees not only have a source for professional development but a strong advocacy voice. The OLTA has been the only effective voice for trustees in Ontario and trustees’ only representation on the provincial government’s SDC.
I will be a little more definitive about what is in store for the coming year:
- spring workshop initiatives to follow up on community development with possible direct teleconferencing available as part of your pre or post board meetings
- possibility of having native libraries in the OLBA with special representation on Council. This will be discussed.
- OLBA will be at SOLS’ Trustee Council meetings to share information and help you feel a part of public libraries in Ontario.
- development of our web site to offer opportunities of networking and learning as well as keeping informed
- OLBA will respond to your needs with strong content for next year’s Super Conference.
- a start on revising, with SOLS’ help, the Trustees’ Handbook with publication of a new section – Board Practices and Operations
- starting a mentoring program whereby small libraries get help and encouragement from larger libraries.
- participation at the conferences of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Northern Ontario Municipalities Association (NOMA), to promote the need for good trustees and an awareness of libraries new thrust as a partner in community development
- a review of membership a look at block membership to include boards and CEOs, as we develop closer ties on a provincial basis and speak with one voice and one message to our governments and our communities.
- finally, a huge commitment by your OLBA Council that we will work hard to ensure that library boards in Ontario move forward with a vision that will serve us all well.
I would like to personally thank Peter Rogers, Larry Moore and all the OLA staff for their help and encouragement during the last year and their commitment to libraries.
I would like to thank as well Joyce Smith and Robin Dunbar for their work on Super Conference on behalf of the OLBA. I would like to end with a heartfelt thanks to Peter Rogers.
Finally, if you would like to send a message directly to Council, please use the OLBA listserv!
Bob Allen
Adjournment: 9:07 a.m. Moved by Maureen Rudzik and seconded by Rod McLean to adjourn the meeting. Carried.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
January 31, 2002
Call to Order: President Margaret MacLean called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.
Quorum: The president announced that a quorum of members was present. There were 40 attendees.
Agenda: Moved by Nick Avery and seconded by Ann Dorion that the agenda be approved. Carried.
Minutes: Moved by Nick Avery and seconded by Mike Hick that the February 2, 2001 AGM minutes be approved. Carried.
Business Arising: None.
Reports: Moved by Peter Rogers and seconded by Ann Doirion that the Reports be accepted.
Resolutions: None.
New Business:
- Marcel Giroux was introduced as the OLTA Trustee of the Year, winner of the Bain Award.
- Elections: Moved by Robin Dunbar and seconded by Peter Rogers that Bob Ernest (Central West) and Richard Harding (Southwest) be elected as OLTA Councillors. Carried.
- Peter Rogers said that the OLTA Council still had two vacancies: a Vice-President & President Elect, and a Councillor from Toronto. These positions would have to be filled after the AGM.
Other New Business:
- Members discussed the set up of the OLA with its member associations. Issues particular to one association are brought to the OLA. For example, a school crisis is an OLA problem, not just an OSLA problem.
- Plans for trustee development were discussed. Peter mentioned the April 20, 2002 videoconference. It will be hosted by Ken Haycock and will focus on the expanded role of the trustee.
- Mike Hick, the OLTA coordinator for SuperConference said that there has been good participation at the workshops that feature trustee issues.
- The OLTA listserv was busy in November with the poppies-in-the-library controversy in Pickering. Sometimes suggestions from the listserv can help solve a problem for a library board.
- Peter Rogers said that we need to expand our membership base, and get good participation at workshops. The feedback at last spring’s workshops was good.
- The listserv must be used more whenever there is an immediate issue affecting libraries. An example is the post-September 11 request by the FBI to see library-borrowing records. Trustees and librarians need to be alerted to possible privacy infractions by police authorities.
- The OLTA must offer good quality service and comment on government policy, something SOLS is unable to do.
- The library CEOs should be members of the OLA if their trustees are members, and vice versa.
If a trustee wants to join but the library board doesn’t, the trustee can join the OLA and name the OLTA as the association. - Incoming president Peter Rogers thanked Margaret MacLean for her work as OLTA president. He mentioned that Margaret seems to spend more time in Toronto than her hometown of Thunder Bay.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned just after 6 pm.