OCULA Conference 2021
OCULA hosts a conference each year that bring together library staff from university and college libraries to discuss, collaborate, interrogate, and learn together.

Switching Gears: Finding Time to Check In and Check Out
For many of us, this past year has been one of seemingly insurmountable professional and personal challenges. Our homes, our jobs, our lives have been disrupted to say the least. Such disruption, in turn, has further highlighted, if not magnified inequities within our library systems, and unsettled our roles, our workspaces, and our professional relationships.
Wednesday July 7, 2021 | 9:30am – 4:45pm | Register Here
Full program details and schedule here.
Acknowledge, Recognize, and Validate
This conference will provide our library community the opportunity to reflect and commemorate this past year. Before we look ahead to our eventual return to our campuses and a sense of normalcy, we must first take time to acknowledge and validate this year of hardship, and the difficult labour of keeping well. We invite our library colleagues to submit Lightning Talk proposals about activities, events, leadership practices, etc. within our organizations that bring well-being into the workplace.
Morning Keynote: Never Normal: Reorienting to the Post-Pandemic Workplace Through Grief Work with Mela Swayze
Afternoon Panel: Supporting Equitable Labour: Reflections during COVID-19
Lightning Talks Include:
- Personal Librarians during COVID-19: Replicating Personal Connections With Patrons Online
- Zooming In For a Story: Online Story Time at University of Toronto Libraries
- Tracking Time and Workload to Support Work-Life Balance
- Beyond Book Clubs: Finding Common Connections in Uncommon Times
- Shut Up, Write, and Breathe: Supporting Productivity, Mindfulness, and Community Connections through A Virtual Drop-In Writing Program
- The Wellness Project at the Brock University Library
- Removing Barriers and Creating Opportunities To Upgrade Tech Skills
- From Party Planning to Wellness Platform: The Transformation of Social & Wellness at Humber Libraries
- How Are We All Doing? Surveying Staff to Determine Well-Being During the Pandemic
- Bibliotherapy and Wellness in the Library
Beyond the Library
Disruption has also erased the divide between our professional and personal lives. Let’s take the time to showcase our talents, curiosities, skills, and unique obsessions beyond the library, with workshops and sessions led by library staff on non-related library activities.
This program will include:
- Backcountry for Beginners
- Photographing Storms in Tornado Alley
- Stationery as Self-Care
- (Not) Born to Run: How I discovered the joys of running (and you can too!)
- And more!
Registration Pricing
OLA Members – $75
Non Members – $125
Students and under employed – $50
Any questions? Email us at education@accessola.com
The OCULA Conference is planned by members of OCULA Council.
2012 Fall | 2013 Spring | 2013 Fall | 2014 Spring | 2014 Fall | 2015 Spring | 2015 Fall | 2016 Spring | 2016 Fall | 2017 Fall | 2018 Fall | 2019 Spring